Friday, April 25, 2008

Fun computer pranks

Anyone else like to mess with your co-workers or roommates by messing with their computer? If so, here is a fun little list of stuff you can do to their machines. Most of these will require that you have either physical access or at least network access to their PC, but the results can be hilarious as long as they don't try to kill you...

1. - has instructions to flip internet images upside down, redirect pages, or make images blurry.

2. Make a new calendar in Outlook and set appointments for every hour (or less) with reminders.

3. Add a scheduled task for Shutdown.exe that runs every hour.

4. Change the password for logging into the domain or machine.

5. Take a screenshot of the desktop. Hide all desktop icons in another folder and make the screenshot the background.

6. Screw with appearance - right-click on desktop and choose properties. Go to the Appearances tab and go to Advanced. Now click on various parts of windows and change the colors. A good trick is to set everything to the same color...

7. Change the mouse speed to either full speed or take it all the way down.

8. Change the keyboard layout to Dvorak or change the input language to Russian (or another foreign language).

9. Swap right and left click on the mouse.

10. Make a new shortcut on the desktop (or change an existing one) with the target as "shutdown -s -t XX -c YY" where XX is the amount of time before shutdown and YY is a message that can be displayed (like "Formatting C:").

11. Fun with Word - Open word, Press Alt F-11 to open the VBA Editor, Select your Normal Template by double clicking “This Document" and paste this code into the template:

Sub AutoExec()
counter = CStr(Int((2 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))
Application.OnTime When:=Now + TimeValue("00:00:" + counter), _
End Sub
Sub Timer()
On Error Resume Next
counter = CStr(Int((500 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))
ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View.Zoom.Percentage = counter
Call AutoExec
End Sub

This code will cause their Word documents to randomly zoom in and out.

12. Swap random keys on the keyboard (like 0 and ~).

13. Blue Screen Of Death screensaver.

14. Edit the registry to add a "shutdown.exe" tag to Startup.

15. Change desktop or Quick Launch icons.

16. Change one of their shortcuts to point to "%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation" (without the quotes). This will lock the machine and require their password to unlock it. Always fun to swap this with their IE shortcut.

17. On their IE (or FireFox) shortcut, you can add URLs after the Target to make it load pages on launch. Make them think they have spyware or a virus by adding links to sites or videos (a fun one is

18. Change their background to a shattered LCD screen.

19. If they have a wireless mouse or keyboard, flip the batteries so that the device no longer works, but the weight is still the same. Watch them fight to reconnect the device before offering advice.

Don't forget what all you changed; you may have to help them fix it. Use these cautiously; while few of these pranks have the ability to mess up a computer for real, bad things happen. If you have other favorite pranks or tricks, post them in the comments.


8xid_x said...

Dude... another funny one that I did to my boss's laptop was I photo shopped a screen shot of his desktop and made it look like the screen was shattered. Then I set it sideways on the floor like it fell. He fell for it for a good 15 minutes screaming about how someone had knocked his computer off the table.

8xid_x said...

Of course that goes with #18, but I thought I would share.

Ender42 said...

Yeah, that it easier to do with laptops. I have seen some shattered LCD backgrounds, but they don't have any alpha transparency so that you can put them over another background to make it look better (like you did).

I think that my favorite is #5. They see their normal desktop, but they can't click on anything. Lots of fun there...